Thursday, August 18, 2011

Makin' a Comeback!

Hello friends!  So sorry to have been MIA for almost 4 months.  Life happened and I needed a break from "stuff".  I kept meal planning myself, but have honestly been too embarrassed about our meal plans to post them.  With buying a house, our budget has gotten a little we now have two staple dinners every week:

Frozen Pizza
Hamburgers (the frozen patties bought in bulk)

I hated the idea of posting a meal plan that reflected these two items every week, but also hated the idea of planning two additional meals to AVOID posting these two items.  It's stupid...I know.  Who really reads this enough to care?!?  Haha.  And I know those who do read wouldn't care if there were two repeats every week.  It's about getting ideas right?

Well, I guess I was wrong about the, "who reads my blog anyway?!" mentality.  After taking my hiatus and strolling back here today, I found a comment from Katrina from Not-So-Newlywed Adventures that she missed my plans and had payed me forward a blog award...The Versatile Blogger Award.

Granted this was back in May she posted, but Katrina...THANK YOU!  I am so touched and honored to have been payed forward this award.

Anyone receiving the Versatile Blogger Award must follow the rules to pay it forward, if you will. The rules are as follows:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell your readers seven (7) things about yourself.
3. Give this award to fifteen (15) recently discovered bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and let them in on the exciting news.

These is a neat and fun way to get to know new/other bloggers, which is good for me because I need to getting back into both blogging myself and reading other blogs!  So here we go!

About me:
  1. I LOVE wine.  Red wine is my favorite.  I started our drinking Shiraz which people find odd because it's so dry and peppery.  It was the only one within my grasp when I start experimenting since that is what my mom was also drinking at the time (she had only recently started drinking wine, too).  
  2. Unfortunately, as per my post about my birthday, I think I now have the official reputation of a wino.  I got wine, wine charms, a wine cooler sleeve, a wine cooler in the shape of a wine bottle, chocolate wine, and a wine fridge for my birthday.  Oh...and a wine stopper candelabra!  Yeah-I'm a wino.  
  3. DH and I have two cats (Ellie & Apollo) and a dog (Zeus).  DH thinks if he hadn't come along I would be the crazy cat lady with 10 cats or something.  He's probably right.  
  4. I can play every instrument in the concert band, except for bassoon, which isn't necessarily in all concert bands.  
  5. Even though I know all those instruments, instead I teach general music to students in 1st-5th grade.  We play rhythm sticks, maracas, bells, xylophones among many other things and sing, sing, sing!  I LOVE my job. (There is a lot more to it then just that, but...I just LOVE it!)
  6. When I was 10 I fell out of a tree in my friend's backyard.  They had a treehouse built, but she was showing me how to climb even higher!  Needless to say, I wasn't paying attention to the exact branches she was using, and I ended up pulling up on a dead branch that broke.  So, there I fell...23 feet to the ground!  Luckily a bush broke my fall, but I still hit the ground hard enough to get the wind knocked out of me and badly bruise my tailbone.  I had to sit on a pillow at school for a week afterwards.  
  7. After our honeymoon to Napa, DH jokingly talked about moving out there and getting jobs teaching while also opening/running our own winery.  I've secretly considered it!  Maybe when we retire (let the countdown begin!).  :-)
And now to pay it foward.  Some of these fine bloggers have probably gotten this award before, but it just means they continue to be more versatile!  It is without hesitation that I proudly award the The Versatile Blogger Award to:

Everyone on my blog roll deserves this award, really.  But the rules said 15. :-(   Please know I love you, even if you weren't listed here.  


Alright.  I made it.  My first post back in a loooooong time.  I'm not sure how often I will keep this up, or if it will be soley about meal planning anymore.  I'm thinking as life happens, this blog might become more about life in general.   If I do put up meal plans, I will stick to my guns and post those two embarrassing staples mentioned above, but that does still leave me with 5 other meals to freshly plan.  We'll see.  But now, you tell me...if this blog does change direction, should I change the name?  Decisions, decisions.  

Ta-ta for now!