Sunday, August 15, 2010

How much can you save?

You might be much can meal planning really save me?  Well, I have found when I really stick to it, I've been able to cut an average of $45 off my weekly grocery bill.  That is huge!

Now, these savings are only likely if you are willing to take a look at all your local grocery store options, and figure out which ones have the best prices on certain products.  When I do my weekly grocery shopping, I will go to two, if not three different stores!  Ok-stop gasping.  You can do it!  It might take just a little longer, but you will find it worth it in the long run.  Also - be willing to check out those bargain stores like Aldi.  I LOVE Aldi.  You can get so much for so little, and you kind find much that is actually of very good quality.

These are my three favorite stores for groceries:  Target, Aldi and our local fresh market called Valli Produce.  I bet you have a local fresh market, too!  Check it can get an incredible amount of produce for CHEAP!  Once you have found the stores you will be going too, divide your weekly list up between them so you know what you will be getting at each store.

Ok, so the gist of it is, be willing to spend a little more time, and travel to maybe 2 different stores to save the extra $$.  Wouldn't $180 extra each month go a long way?  Oh....and don't forget to go green and stock up on your reusable bags! I always take 6-8 with me when I grocery shop.  Not only are they environmentally friendly...they are hand, shoulder and back friendly, too! ready for your first weekly meal plan to start on Sunday, August 29th!  
And no, just because you meal plan doesn't mean you can't eat out.  Just plan for that, too! 

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